def isPhoneNumber(text):
if len(text) != 12:
return False
for i in range(0, 3):
if not text[i].isdecimal(): # if the first 3 text is not decimal string
return False
if text[3] != '-':
return False
for i in range(4, 7):
if not text[i].isdecimal():
return False
if text[7] != '-':
return False
for i in range(8, 12):
if not text[i].isdecimal():
return False
return True
message = 'Call me at 000-000-0000 tmmr, and 911 is police.'
for i in range(len(message)):
chunk = message[i:i+12]
if isPhoneNumber(chunk):
print('Phone number found: ' + chunk)