:return : Simple class methods with an alternative constructor, just only take
an input of the data in the form of string and return it into the
instance variable.
class Employees:
no_of_leaves = 8
def __init__(self, _age, _name, _leave, _salary, _work_experience):
self.name = _name
self.age = _age
self.leave = _leave
self.salary = _salary
self.work_experience = _work_experience
def alternative__constructor_class(cls, _input_string):
:param _input_string: Takes the input from the function from the class,
:return: The alternative__constructor works to add data only one string and then,
return it into the object.
:parameter: Class methods as the alternative constructor.
return cls(*_input_string.split("-"))
def change_leave_class_method(cls, _new__leave):
cls.no_of_leaves = _new__leave
def return__employee_statement(self):
return f"Name : {self.name} Age : {self.age} leave : {self.leave} salary : {self.salary}"
f"Work Experience : {self.work_experience}"
anshu = Employees(_name="Anshu", _salary=70000, _leave=8, _work_experience=6, _age=16)
shivam = Employees.alternative__constructor_class("shivam-16-7000-4-2")