def parse_news(self, response):'parse_news: %s' % response)
# Initialize item loader
# extract news title, published_at, author, content, url
loader = ItemLoader(item=News(), response=response)
loader.add_value('url', response.url)
title_selectors = response.css('h1[itemprop="headline"]::text')
if not title_selectors:
# Will be dropped on the item pipeline
return loader.load_item()
title = title_selectors.extract()[0]
loader.add_value('title', title)
author_name_selectors = response.css('a[rel="author"] > span::text')
if not author_name_selectors:
loader.add_value('author_name', '')
author_name = author_name_selectors.extract()[0]
loader.add_value('author_name', author_name)
raw_content_selectors = response.css('.content')
if not raw_content_selectors:
# Will be dropped on the item pipeline
return loader.load_item()
raw_content = raw_content_selectors.extract()
raw_content = ' '.join([w.strip() for w in raw_content])
raw_content = raw_content.strip()
loader.add_value('raw_content', raw_content)
date_time_str_selectors = response.css('article > div.time::text')
if not date_time_str_selectors:
# Will be dropped on the item pipeline
return loader.load_item()
# Parse date information
# Example: Selasa, 6 Oktober 2015 - 05:23 WIB
date_time_str = date_time_str_selectors.extract()[0]
date_time_str = date_time_str.split(',')[1].strip()[:-4]
date_time_str = ' '.join([_(w) for w in date_time_str.split(' ')])
published_at_wib = datetime.strptime(date_time_str, '%d %B %Y - %H:%M')
except ValueError:
# Will be dropped on the item pipeline
return loader.load_item()
published_at = wib_to_utc(published_at_wib)
loader.add_value('published_at', published_at)
# Move scraped news to pipeline
return loader.load_item()