# Extract jpg's from pdf's. Quick and dirty.
import sys
pdf = file(sys.argv[1], "rb").read()
startmark = "xffxd8"
startfix = 0
endmark = "xffxd9"
endfix = 2
i = 0
njpg = 0
while True:
istream = pdf.find("stream", i)
if istream < 0:
istart = pdf.find(startmark, istream, istream+20)
if istart < 0:
i = istream+20
iend = pdf.find("endstream", istart)
if iend < 0:
raise Exception("Didn't find end of stream!")
iend = pdf.find(endmark, iend-20)
if iend < 0:
raise Exception("Didn't find end of JPG!")
istart += startfix
iend += endfix
print "JPG %d from %d to %d" % (njpg, istart, iend)
jpg = pdf[istart:iend]
jpgfile = file("jpg%d.jpg" % njpg, "wb")
njpg += 1
i = iend