Keywords are pythons reserved words, they convey a special meaning to
the compiler/interpreter. Each keyword has a certain meaning and a
certain opperation that it needs to carry out. Never use a keyword as
a variable as that could cause lots of complications and mistakes.
An Identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function,
class or object.
Rules of Identifiers:
->No special characters exepct underscores(_),can be used as
an identifier
->Keywords should not be used as an identifier
->Python is case sensitive, Var with a capital V and var with
a lowercase v are two separate identifiers
->The first character of an identifier can be an alphabet or
underscore but not a digit
There are many types of literals such as the following
Types of Literals:
->string literals
->numeric literals
->boolean literals
->special literals
Operators are special symbols that are used to carry out aritmetic
and logic operations
Various Types of Operators: