from math import log10
def is_armstrong(num):
This function checks if num is an Armstrong number.
Note that an Armstrong number is a n-digit number
that is equal to the sum of each of its digits
raised to the nth power.
For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 153, 370,
371, 407, and 1634 are all Armstrong numbers
Time complexity: O(n^2)
Space complexity: O(1)
if num < 0:
return False
if num == 0:
return True
n = int(log10(num)) + 1
sum = 0
temp = num
while temp > 0:
last_digit = temp % 10
sum += last_digit ** n
temp //= 10
return num == sum