//To add file in commit
git add filePath
//To Commit with message
git commit -m 'Commit message'
//To revert file changes to its head. Replace with head
git checkout -- libs/logs/advertiserApi/advertiserApi.log
//To skip ng lint and commit the code
git commit -m 'ng lint error reverted back' --no-verify
//To reset commit below command
// Below HEAD~1 means it will reset to last 1 commit, HEAD~2 means it will reset to last 2 commits.
git reset HEAD~1
git reset HEAD~2
git reset HEAD~3
git reset --soft HEAD^
git reset --hard HEAD^
//To merge and resolve conflict by using Ours changes or Theirs changes.
git checkout --Xours --Xtheirs
git merge --abort
//To create new branch
git branch branchName
//Display all branches
//For local branches
git branch
//For remote branches
git branch -r
// delete branch locally
git branch -d localBranchName
// delete branch remotely
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName
//Git stash changes temporary
git stash save "Saving data of story"
//View stashes
git stash list
//Bring stash back and remove from stash
git stash pop
//Bring stash back and keep in stash
git stash apply
//Remove from stash
git stash drop