//In this PHP code, the tc-lib-barcode library autoload file is included at the beginning. Then the form data is received by using the POST request data array. The MFG and EXP dates are converted into a timestamp.
//Then, the product MRP and MFG/EXP timestamps are bundled into a string format. This formatted product data will be passed to the getBarcodeObj. This function will return barcode object based on the type specified.
if (! empty($_POST["generate"])) {
require ('tc-lib-barcode/vendor/autoload.php');
$barcode = new ComTecnickBarcodeBarcode();
$targetPath = "barcode/";
if (! is_dir($targetPath)) {
mkdir($targetPath, 0777, true);
$MRP = $_POST["mrp"];
$MFGDate = strtotime($_POST["mfg_date"]);
$EXPDate = strtotime($_POST["exp_date"]);
$productData = "098{$MRP}10{$MFGDate}55{$EXPDate}";
$barcode = new ComTecnickBarcodeBarcode();
$bobj = $barcode->getBarcodeObj('C128C', "{$productData}", 450, 70, 'black', array(
$imageData = $bobj->getPngData();
$timestamp = time();
file_put_contents($targetPath . $timestamp . '.png', $imageData);
<div class="result-heading">Output:</div>
<img src="<?php echo $targetPath . $timestamp ; ?>.png">