public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// creates the compilation unit
CompilationUnit cu = createCU();
// prints the created compilation unit
* creates the compilation unit
private static CompilationUnit createCU() {
CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit();
// set the package
cu.setPakage(new PackageDeclaration(ASTHelper.createNameExpr("java.parser.test")));
// create the type declaration
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration type = new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(ModifierSet.PUBLIC, false, "GeneratedClass");
ASTHelper.addTypeDeclaration(cu, type);
// create a method
MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(ModifierSet.PUBLIC, ASTHelper.VOID_TYPE, "main");
method.setModifiers(ModifierSet.addModifier(method.getModifiers(), ModifierSet.STATIC));
ASTHelper.addMember(type, method);
// add a parameter to the method
Parameter param = ASTHelper.createParameter(ASTHelper.createReferenceType("String", 0), "args");
ASTHelper.addParameter(method, param);
// add a body to the method
BlockStmt block = new BlockStmt();
// add a statement do the method body
NameExpr clazz = new NameExpr("System");
FieldAccessExpr field = new FieldAccessExpr(clazz, "out");
MethodCallExpr call = new MethodCallExpr(field, "println");
ASTHelper.addArgument(call, new StringLiteralExpr("Hello World!"));
ASTHelper.addStmt(block, call);
return cu;