#Start App
rails new blog
# Create pages
rails g controller pages home about
# Open console
rails c
#Create table
rails g scaffold post title body:text
#Migrate table
rails db:migrate
#To create a new post through the console
rails c
@post = Post.new(title: "Tristan", body: "My baby is crying")
Post.create(title:"Annita Kerubo", body: "The mother of my child")
#Grab post
@post = Post.find(2)
#Get last two posts
@post = Post.last(2)
#Create dev data
10.times do |x|
Post.create(title: "Title #{x}", body: "body #{x} words go here")
rails db:seed
#Create views
rails g migration add_views_to_posts views:integer
rails db:migrate
#Add user setups using devise gem
Add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'devise'
bundle install
rails generate devise:install
rails g devise User
rails db:migrate
#To check available routes
rails routes