#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_LENGTH 100
#define NUM_STRINGS 10
int main(){
char *arr3[NUM_STRINGS] = { "first string",
"second string",
"third string",
"fourth string",
"fifth string" };
char* str1 = "string literal";
arr3[8] = str1;
arr3[9] = "hello there";
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; ++i) {
printf("%s, ", arr3[i]);
char ch_arr[3][10] = {
{'s', 'p', 'i', 'k', 'e', ' '},
{'t', 'o', 'm',' '},
{'j', 'e', 'r', 'r', 'y',' '}
char **strs;
int num_of_strs = 10;
strs = malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_of_strs );
Code Example |
C :: under |
C :: copy a number of characters to another string in c without standard library |
C :: manasa loves maths solution IN C |
C :: C #define preprocessor |
C :: nc,manc |
C :: using tables as arguments in c++/c |
C :: anticonstitutionnellement |
C :: openinh VCL file for Vivado HLS |
C :: rainmaker simple project |
C :: listas enlazadas/ linked lists |
C :: sdl close ev |
C :: snprintf with malloc |
C :: scanf autotrash c |
C :: bucket sort |
C :: download file by command line windows |
C :: pre and post increment in c |
C :: default password raspberry pi |
Dart :: flutter flotingactionbutton position |
Dart :: flutter label alignment top |
Dart :: flutter text hint |
Dart :: Container border left |
Dart :: flutter tooltip circle border |
Dart :: flutter snackbar color |
Dart :: dart string empty or null |
Dart :: flutter espacio entre widgets |
Dart :: random number dart with length 7 |
Dart :: flutter column mainaxissize |
Dart :: dart list remove range |
Dart :: switch case dart |
Dart :: flutter fittedbox |