

boolean operators in C++

int a = 4;
int b = 5;
bool result;
result = a < b; // true
result = a > b; // false
result = a <= 4; // a smaller or equal to 4 - true
result = b >= 6; // b bigger or equal to 6 - false
result = a == b; // a equal to b - false
result = a != b; // a is not equal to b - true
result = a > b || a < b; // Logical or - true
result = 3 < a && a < 6; // Logical and - true
result = !result; // Logical not - false

Code Example
C :: unused variable in c 
C :: realloc in c 
C :: example of header file in c 
C :: files in c programming 
C :: *= in c 
C :: example of source file 
C :: national festivals of india in hindi 
C :: C Syntax of return statement 
C :: setw in c 
C :: solutionadda 
C :: vscode how to output in seperate consile 
C :: how to find adam number uasing loop in C 
C :: leer string en c 
C :: how to find folders from a c program 
C :: BST or NOT ?? 
C :: worst fit program in c 
C :: perl file handling 
C :: c stack 
C :: python to java translator online 
C :: redis endpoint 
C :: BEE/URI problem no 1181 solution in C 
C :: How to scale all columns in dataframe in R- Method 2? 
C :: String insertion into another string 
C :: resize vm boot disk with empty space 
C :: class to const void * 
C :: array in c 
C :: c make list 
Dart :: how to remove debug tag in flutter 
Dart :: clickable container flutter 
Dart :: flutter textfield rounded 
Source link
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