

how we can strore a nested structure values in arrays

typedef struct {

    char ChannelNo[3];              //"P1"
    unsigned int ChannelPin;        //23
    char State;                     //'o'

typedef struct {

    test One[3];
    test two[3];
    test three[3];
    test four[3];
    test five;
    test six[3];


matrix x[] =
    // [0]
            .One = {
                     {.ChannelNo = "P4", .ChannelPin = 23, .State = 'o'},
                     {.ChannelNo = "P1", .ChannelPin = 98, .State = 'o'},
                     {.ChannelNo = "P0", .ChannelPin = 23, .State = 'o'},
            .two = {
                    {.ChannelNo = "P5", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'd'},
                    {.ChannelNo = "P4", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'e'},
                    {.ChannelNo = "P5", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'r'},
            // ......
            .five = {.ChannelNo = "P5", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'r'},
    // [1]
            .One = {
                     {.ChannelNo = "P4", .ChannelPin = 23, .State = 'o'},
                     {.ChannelNo = "P1", .ChannelPin = 98, .State = 'o'},
                     {.ChannelNo = "P0", .ChannelPin = 23, .State = 'o'},
            .two = {
                    {.ChannelNo = "P5", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'd'},
                    {.ChannelNo = "P4", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'e'},
                    {.ChannelNo = "P5", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'r'},
            // ......
            .five = {.ChannelNo = "P5", .ChannelPin = 79, .State = 'r'},
    // ......

Code Example
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