

** in c

// ** is call a double pointer 
// ** is just a pointer to a pointer
char **p1;
char **p2;
// This is an array of characters( char ).
// an arrays first address is considered a pointer.
// thats why you use a double pointer.
char *tables[5] = {"A","B","C","D","E"};

// Point to the beginning of the table array to store the start of the array 
// addresses.  This stores the array address not the array value.
p1 = table;

// This is pointing to the last adderess of the array.
p2 = table[5];

//to get the values from p1 nd p2
printf("this is the value of p1 %s 
", *p1);
printf("this is the value of p2 %s 
", *p2);

// Hope this helped!
		// Happy coding!!

*= in c

“*=”: This operator is a combination of ‘*’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator 
first multiplies the current value of the variable on left to the value on the
right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. 
(a *= b) can be written as (a = a * b)

If initially, the value stored in a is 5. Then (a *= 6) = 30.

Code Example
C :: bd number regex 
C :: create role in psql with password 
C :: How to Convert double to int in C 
C :: identifier bool is undefined in c 
C :: 2 dimensional array in c 
C :: Write a 64-bit program in assembly that prints Hello, world in .asm 
C :: c program that replace vowels in a string with char 
C :: c sizeof operator 
C :: fibonacci series in c 
C :: bubble sort in c 
C :: c long to string 
C :: qtableview get selected row 
C :: c median of an array 
C :: c print characters 
C :: size of pointer in c 
C :: increment and decrement operator 
C :: user define function in c 
C :: c add char to char array 
C :: int to void* c 
C :: commenting in c 
C :: unused variable in c 
C :: example of source file 
C :: Number 10 
C :: arduino vscode upload choosing sketch 
C :: leer string en c 
C :: winautomation block input not working 
C :: minimun number of moves in c 
C :: c stack 
C :: uri/beecrowd problem no - 1133 solution in C 
C :: getopt optstr 
Source link
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