


1. You are given two numbers N and K.2. N represents the total number of soldiers standing in a circle having position marked from 0 to N-1.3. A cruel king wants to execute them but in a different way.4. He starts executing soldiers from 0th position and proceeds around the circle in clockwise direction.5. In each step, k-1 soldiers are skipped and the k-th soldier is executed.6. The elimination proceeds around the circle (which is becoming smaller and smaller as the executed soldiers are removed), until only the last soldier remains, who is given freedom.7. You have to find the position of that lucky soldier.Note -> Check out the question video and write the recursive code as it is intended without  changing signature. The judge can't force you but intends you to teach a concept.

Code Example
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C :: time to apply pmfby 
C :: bit wise operation 
C :: sdl_rect 
C :: sort vectors c 
C :: c declare float 
C :: c arrays 
C :: C printf Declaration 
C :: C Create struct Variables 
C :: default password raspberry pi 
Dart :: flutter wait for specific time 
Dart :: copy to clipboard flutter 
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Dart :: DartPad requires localStorage to be enabled 
Dart :: disable flutter listtile 
Dart :: dart loop through object 
Dart :: replaceall dart 
Dart :: dart sort list by date 
Dart :: flutter baseline 
Source link
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