

pointer operator

// C program to demonstrate declaration of
// pointer variables.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int x = 10;
    // 1) Since there is * in declaration, ptr
    // becomes a pointer variable (a variable
    // that stores address of another variable)
    // 2) Since there is int before *, ptr is
    // pointer to an integer type variable
    int *ptr;
    // & operator before x is used to get address
    // of x. The address of x is assigned to ptr.
    ptr = &x;
    return 0;

Code Example
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C :: suma de digitos 
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C :: [4,5,6] 
C :: why return 0 is written at the code end? 
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C :: print binary in c 
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C :: write to console c 
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Dart :: flutter list splice 
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Source link
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