

printf c float

printf("%.6f", myFloat);

get float in c

//get a float from user
//print float value to console
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    //define a float variable
    float a;
    //print the prompt
    printf("Please enter a float number: ");
    //Actually getting the number
    scanf("%f", &a);
    printf("You have entered %f", a);


print float in c

printf("%.6f", myFloat);

c printf float value

I want to print a float value which has 2 integer digits and 6 decimal digits after the comma. If I just use printf("%f", myFloat) I'm getting a truncated value.

I don't know if this always happens in C, or it's just because I'm using C for microcontrollers (CCS to be exact), but at the reference it tells that %f get just that: a truncated float.

If my float is 44.556677, I'm printing out "44.55", only the first two decimal digits.

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