

c++ allocate and free dynamic 2d array

// allocate
int** matrix = new int*[rowCount];
for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
    matrix[i] = new int[colCount];

// free
for(int i = 0 ; i < rowCount; i++)
    delete[] matrix[i];	// delete array within matrix
delete[] matrix;	// delete actual matrix

declaring 2d dynamic array c++

int** arr = new int*[10]; // Number of Students
int i=0, j;
for (i; i<10; i++) 
	arr[i] = new int[5]; // Number of Courses
/*In line[1], you're creating an array which can store the addresses
  of 10 arrays. In line[4], you're allocating memories for the 
  array addresses you've stored in the array 'arr'. So it comes out 
  to be a 10 x 5 array. */

Code Example
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Cpp :: built in factorial function in c++ 
Cpp :: delete dynamic array c++ 
Cpp :: create copy constructor c++ 
Cpp :: how to use cout function in c++ 
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Cpp :: how to print a text in c++ 
Cpp :: Palindrome String solution in c++ 
Source link
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