

c++ linker input and output

The input to the linker is the output from the compiler, either directly as object files (.o) are within libraries (.a and .so). Often a linker command will have a single .o file that contains the main program plus a list of libraries.

The output from the linker is the executable or program. There is no default extension, although some people use .exe which is a standard extension on some operating systems.

Code Example
Cpp :: sort n characters in descending order c++ 
Cpp :: Remove the jth object from the subset 
Cpp :: split the array there is an array val of n integers . A good subarray is defined as 
Cpp :: why do men drink liquor 
Cpp :: cuda allocate memory 
Cpp :: C++ if...else Statement 
Cpp :: c++ vector merge algorithm 
Cpp :: time out search element in linked list c++ 
Cpp :: racing horses codechef solution c++ 
Cpp :: C++ Ranged Based for Loop 
Cpp :: 12 to december in c++ code 
Cpp :: Redragon m609 weight 
Cpp :: pca compact trick 
Cpp :: permutation and combination program in c++ 
Cpp :: 2dvector c++ 
Cpp :: c++ Is there still a need to provide default constructors to use STL containers 
Cpp :: reference variablesr in c++ 
Cpp :: how to analyse a poem 
Cpp :: c++ max and min of vector 
Cpp :: c++ vector remove element by value 
Cpp :: template function in class c++ 
Cpp :: c++ copy string 
Cpp :: computer vision libraries c++ 
Cpp :: friend class c++ 
C :: fahrenheit to celsius formula 
C :: how to make a hello world program in c 
C :: express.static public 
C :: random number c 
C :: two bytes to int c 
C :: const godot gdscript 
Source link
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