

new in c++

//placement new in c++
char *buf  = new char[sizeof(string)]; // pre-allocated buffer
string *p = new (buf) string("hi");    // placement new
string *q = new string("hi");          // ordinary heap allocation
/*Standard C++ also supports placement new operator, which constructs 
an object on a pre-allocated buffer. This is useful when building a 
memory pool, a garbage collector or simply when performance and exception 
safety are paramount (there's no danger of allocation failure since the memory
has already been allocated, and constructing an object on a pre-allocated
buffer takes less time):

C++ new Operator

// declare an int pointer
int* pointVar;

// dynamically allocate memory
// using the new keyword 
pointVar = new int;

// assign value to allocated memory
*pointVar = 45;

Code Example
Cpp :: what do we use c++ vectors for 
Cpp :: Find first and last digit of int 
Cpp :: what does | mean in c++ 
Cpp :: Arduino Counting 
Cpp :: decrement c++ 
Cpp :: function overloading in cpp 
Cpp :: cpp set time 
Cpp :: a function to create double quotes for alphabet in c++ 
Cpp :: do while loop c++ 
C :: hello word c 
C :: how to use gotoxy in c language 
C :: how to get time and date in c 
C :: c colour 
C :: c random list 
C :: get window width height glfw 
C :: line counter in c 
C :: types of instruction and there meaning in c 
C :: how to remove from a string c 
C :: get time to complete code c 
C :: unity set transform position code 
C :: c output 
C :: c execute shell command 
C :: pthread c 
C :: comment c 
C :: c check if array is empty 
C :: get float in c 
C :: equal string c 
C :: c loop 
C :: do...while loop c 
C :: how to take comma separated integer input in c 
Source link
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