

C++ Pi 4 Decimal

   double pi = 3.14159265; // this is floating point number
   cout << fixed << setprecision(4); // number is set to display with 4 decimal places
   cout <<" The value of pi : " << pi << endl;
   cout << " The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 8   : |" << setw(8) << pi << "|" << endl; // setw() sets the total width
   cout << " The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 10  : |" << setw(10) << pi << "|"<< endl; 
   cout << setfill('-'); // setfill() sets to fill the blanks with specified character
   cout << " The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 8   : |" << setw(8) << pi << "|" << endl; 
   cout << " The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 10  : |" << setw(10) << pi << "|"<< endl; 
   cout << scientific;  // set value in scientific format with exponent
   cout <<" The value of pi in scientific format is : " << pi << endl;
   bool done = false; // this is boolean variable
   cout <<" Status in number : " << done << endl;  
   cout << boolalpha;     // set output in alphabet true or false
   cout <<" Status in alphabet : " << done << endl;

Code Example
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Source link
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