

cpp split string by space

std::vector<std::string> string_split(const std::string& str) {
	std::vector<std::string> result;
	std::istringstream iss(str);
	for (std::string s; iss >> s; )
	return result;

string split by space c++

// Extract the first token
char * token = strtok(string, " ");
// loop through the string to extract all other tokens
while( token != NULL ) {
  printf( " %s
", token ); //printing each token
  token = strtok(NULL, " ");
return 0;

c++ split string by space

std::string s = "What is the right way to split a string into a vector of strings";
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> begin(ss);
std::istream_iterator<std::string> end;
std::vector<std::string> vstrings(begin, end);
std::copy(vstrings.begin(), vstrings.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "

c++ split string by space into array

Astringstream associates a string object with a stream allowing you to 
read from the string as if it were a stream (like cin). To use stringstream, 
we need to include sstream header file. 
The stringstream class is extremely useful in parsing input.

in the cp when u need to remove spaces from the string and store it into the 
vector or other type  of data structure at that it will be your 
first choice out there.

Code Example
Cpp :: to_string c++ 
Cpp :: how to make a n*n 2d dynamic array in c++ 
Cpp :: how to find size of int array in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ string remove last character 
Cpp :: kruskal in c++ 
Cpp :: how to make for loop in c++ 
Cpp :: combination code c++ 
Cpp :: typedef vector c++ 
Cpp :: c++ switch string 
Cpp :: Appending a vector to a vector in C++ 
Cpp :: c++ extend class 
Cpp :: how to string to integer in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ functions 
Cpp :: lerp function c++ 
Cpp :: set precision with fixed c++ 
Cpp :: convert all characters in string to uppercase c++ 
Cpp :: insert vector to end of vector c++ 
Cpp :: C++ Swap 2 Variables Without Using 3rd Variable 
Cpp :: c++ template example 
Cpp :: c++ arithmetic operators 
Cpp :: create file c++ 
Cpp :: c++ Program for Sum of the digits of a given number 
Cpp :: c++ reference 
Cpp :: time_t to int 
Cpp :: how to make an overloaded constructor in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ keyboard input 
Cpp :: could not find the task c c++ active file 
Cpp :: stack implementation using class in c++ 
Cpp :: inline function in c++ 
Cpp :: string split by space c++ 
Source link
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