


{"messages":["attribute paths.'/loanscan/crvbtc'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/loanscan/crvbusd'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/loanscan/ethstable'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/loanscan/link'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/loanscan/ycrv'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/tvl'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults/earnings'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults/statistics'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults/transactions'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults/addresses'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults/all'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults/apy'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults/holdings'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults/snapshots'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/vaults/v2'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/yearn/repos'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/yearn/repos/contributors'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/yearn/repos/statistics'(get).responses is missing","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults'. Declared path parameter userAddress needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults/earnings'. Declared path parameter userAddress needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults/statistics'. Declared path parameter userAddress needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level","attribute paths.'/user/{userAddress}/vaults/transactions'. Declared path parameter userAddress needs to be defined as a path parameter in path or operation level"],"schemaValidationMessages":[{"level":"error","domain":"validation","keyword":"minProperties","message":"object has too few properties (found 0 but schema requires at least 1)","schema":{"loadingURI":"","pointer":"/definitions/responses"},"instance":{"pointer":"/paths/~1loanscan~1crvbtc/get/responses"}},{"level":"error","domain":"validation","keyword":"not","message":"instance matched a schema which it should not have","schema":{"loadingURI":"","pointer":"/definitions/responses"},"instance":{"pointer":"/paths/~1loanscan~1crvbtc/get/responses"}}]}

Code Example
Cpp :: roscpp publish int32 
Cpp :: delete map elements while iterating cpp 
Cpp :: c++ reverse integer 
Cpp :: latex double subscript 
Cpp :: c++ for in 
Cpp :: c++ string comparison 
Cpp :: sort stl 
Cpp :: c++ struct with default values 
Cpp :: string vector c++ 
Cpp :: iterate over map c++17 
Cpp :: slice std::array cpp 
Cpp :: c++ char it is a number 
Cpp :: flags for g++ compiler 
Cpp :: Resize method in c++ for arrays 
Cpp :: cpp init multidimensional vector 
Cpp :: not in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ inline in .cpp and not in header 
Cpp :: how to get the first element of a map in c++ 
Cpp :: delete specific row from dynamic 2d array c++ 
Cpp :: update variable in const function C++ 
Cpp :: how to find 2d vector length cpp 
Cpp :: c++ fstream 
Cpp :: int max c++ 
Cpp :: even and odd sum in c++ 
Cpp :: sorting using comparator in c++ 
Cpp :: power of two c++ 
Cpp :: string split by space c++ 
Cpp :: #define online judge in cpp 
Cpp :: c ifdef 
Cpp :: sort vector c++ 
Source link
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