

glew32.dll was not found

//if you are using "glew32s.lib" file you may have to add GLEW_STATIC in the 
//c/c++ preprocessor, if you are using visual studio go to project-> 
//properties -> c/c++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions 
//and add GLEW_STATIC.
//or use '#define GLEW_STATIC' before every include of glew.h

//the next part is copied from glew.h
//which is why you have to add GLEW_STATIC in Preprocessor Definitions or define it
//or the code will look for the glew32.dll file
 * GLEW_STATIC is defined for static library.
 * GLEW_BUILD  is defined for building the DLL library.

#  define GLEWAPI extern
#  ifdef GLEW_BUILD
#    define GLEWAPI extern __declspec(dllexport)
#  else
#    define GLEWAPI extern __declspec(dllimport)
#  endif


Code Example
Cpp :: delete specific row from dynamic 2d array c++ 
Cpp :: 1d array 
Cpp :: vector reverse function in c++ 
Cpp :: C++ program that prints the prime numbers from 1 to 1000. 
Cpp :: hamming distance c++ 
Cpp :: 1523. Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range solution in c++ 
Cpp :: struct and pointer c++ 
Cpp :: migration meaning 
Cpp :: c++ vectors 
Cpp :: vector length c++ 
Cpp :: how to dynamically allocate an array c++ 
Cpp :: cpp pushfront vector 
Cpp :: how to find the size of a character array in c++ 
Cpp :: char size length c++ 
Cpp :: c++ modulo positive 
Cpp :: c++ add to array 
Cpp :: how to search in array c++ 
Cpp :: how to specify the number of decimal places in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ get maximum value unsigned int 
Cpp :: new float array c++ 
Cpp :: string search c++ 
Cpp :: how to initialize vector 
Cpp :: struct c++ 
Cpp :: use of alphanumeric function c++, check if alphabet or digit from string 
Cpp :: cpp array init value 
Cpp :: cpp auto 
Cpp :: how to use a non const function from a const function 
Cpp :: c++ integer array 
Cpp :: exception handling class c++ 
Cpp :: put text on oled 
Source link
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