sf::RenderWindow wn(sf::VideoMode(620.f, 620.f),"Lvl Editor",sf::Style::Close);
//sf::Style::Close only allows the window to close and minimize and doesn't allows it to resize
Code Example |
Cpp :: c++ loop programs |
Cpp :: how to delete a 2d dynamic array in c++ |
Cpp :: initialzing a 2d vector in cpp |
Cpp :: qt qimage load from file |
Cpp :: return the index where maximum element in a vector |
Cpp :: getline cin is being skipped |
Cpp :: convert whole string to uppercase c++ |
Cpp :: min heap in c++ |
Cpp :: initialize 2d vector of ints c++ |
Cpp :: fast io c++ |
Cpp :: std cout c++ |
Cpp :: qlabel font color |
Cpp :: create n threads cpp |
Cpp :: addition without arithmetic operators c++ |
Cpp :: point is on line |
Cpp :: separating class into header and cpp file |
Cpp :: c++ main function |
Cpp :: lopping over an array c++ |
Cpp :: c++ map iterator |
Cpp :: create random vectors c++ |
Cpp :: c++ looping |
Cpp :: input 2d vector c++ |
Cpp :: fiunction in c++ |
Cpp :: initialize whole array to 0 c++ |
Cpp :: c++ cin operator |
Cpp :: number of lines in c++ files |
Cpp :: doubly linked list c++ code |
Cpp :: check uppercase c++ |
Cpp :: splice string in c++ |
Cpp :: coordinate in 1d array c++ |