

C++ int to char*

std::string s = std::to_string(number);
char const *pchar = s.c_str();  //use char const* as target type

integer to char c++

// for example you have such integer
int i = 3;

// and you want to convert it to a char so that
char c = '3';

what you need to do is, by adding i to '0'. The reason why it works is because '0' actually means an integer value of 48. '1'..'9' means 49..57. This is a simple addition to find out corresponding character for an single decimal digit integer:

i.e. char c = '0' + i;

If you know how to convert a single decimal digit int to char, whats left is how you can extract individual digit from a more-than-one-decimal-digit integer

it is simply a simple math by making use of / and %

int i = 123 % 10;  // give u last digit, which is 3
int j = 123 / 10;  // give remove the last digit, which is 12
The logic left is the homework you need to do then.

How to turn an integer variable into a char c++

char aChar = '0' + i;

Code Example
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