

c++ inline

/* When a function will be called repetitively, The "inline" keyword is used for 
optimization. The inline function tells the compiler that every instance of
this function should be replaced with the line or block of code in the body of the function;
This makes the compiler skip the middle-man, the function itself!

Important note: this method of optimization saves very little space, but it is still good practice.

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inline void PrintEverySecond(string str) 
std::cout << str;

int main()
string Message = "Inline!" 
  // Unimportant note: this code obviously won't print every second since in isn't in a loop. This code is just a simple demo!

inline function in c++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//this function is the fastest bacause it executes at compile time and is really fast , 
//but dont use it for like a big function  
inline int cube(int s)
    return s*s*s;
int main()
    cout << "The cube of 3 is: " << cube(3) << "
    return 0;
} //Output: The cube of 3 is: 27

inline c++

A function specifier that indicates to the compiler that inline substitution 
of the function body is to be preferred to the usual function call 

Code Example
Cpp :: c ++ splitlines 
Cpp :: c++ finding gcd 
Cpp :: c++ pre-processor instructions 
Cpp :: how to generate number in c++ 
Cpp :: print hello world c++ 
Cpp :: count number of prime numbers in a given range in c 
Cpp :: for loop in cpp 
Cpp :: cpp #include "" < 
Cpp :: initialize vector 
Cpp :: C++ Integer Input/Output 
Cpp :: initialize a vector to 0 
Cpp :: accumulate vector c++ 
Cpp :: vector size 
Cpp :: exponent of x using c c++ 
Cpp :: how to input in cpp 
Cpp :: c++ uint8_t header 
Cpp :: c++ namespace example 
Cpp :: sweetalert2 email and password 
Cpp :: cmake g++ address sanitizer 
Cpp :: char array declaration c++ 
Cpp :: store array in vector 
Cpp :: c++ program to convert fahrenheit to celsius 
Cpp :: iomanip header file in c++ 
Cpp :: casting to a double in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ memory address 
Cpp :: queue operations c++ 
Cpp :: how to rotate a matrix 90 degrees clockwise 
Cpp :: c++ vector operations 
Cpp :: what destructor used for in c++ 
Cpp :: check if cin got the wrong type 
Source link
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