

sizeof’ on array function parameter ‘arr’ will return size of ‘int*’ [-Wsizeof-array-argument]

There is no way to determine the length inside the function. However you pass arr,
sizeof(arr) will always return the pointer size. So the best way is to pass the
number of elements as a separate argument.
sizeof only works to find the length of the array if you apply it to the original array.

int arr[5]; //real array. NOT a pointer
sizeof(arr); // :)
However, by the time the array decays into a pointer, sizeof will give the 
size of the pointer and not of the array.

void getArraySize(int arr[]){
sizeof(arr); // will give the pointer size
There is some reasoning as to why this would take place. How could we make things
so that a C array also knows its length? A first idea would be not having arrays
decaying into pointers when they are passed to a function and continuing to keep 
the array length in the type system.
When you pass an array to a function it decays to pointer. So the sizeof function
will return the size of int *. This is the warning that your compiler complining


Code Example
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Cpp :: power function c++ 
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Cpp :: convert int to string in c++ 
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Cpp :: how to delete an element in vector pair in cpp 
Cpp :: find in unordered_map c++ 
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Cpp :: how to use command line arguments with integers in c++ 
Cpp :: visual studio getline not working 
Cpp :: system cpp 
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Cpp :: full implementation of binary search tree in C++ 
Cpp :: sliding window c++ 
Cpp :: how to create an integer in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ for loop syntax 
Source link
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