

The five most significant revisions of the C++ standard are C++98 (1998), C++03 (2003) and C++11 (2011), C++14 (2014) and C++17 (2017)

The five most significant revisions of the C++ standard are 
C++98 (1998), C++03 (2003) and C++11 (2011), C++14 (2014) and C++17 (2017)

The next iteration is currently expected in 2020. Of course, 
  it can be a challenging task for software engineers, 
    compiler writers and lecturers (!) to keep track of all the 
       revisions that appear in each major version of the standard

Code Example
Cpp :: c++ file handiling 
Cpp :: COs trigonometric function 
Cpp :: subtraction of a 2d matrix in c++ 
Cpp :: how to find second smallest element in an array using single loop 
Cpp :: Bit Tricks for Competitive Programming c ++ 
Cpp :: warning: base will be initialized after 
Cpp :: 3. The method indexOf, part of the List interface, returns the index of the first occurrence of an object in a List. What does the following code fragment do? 
Cpp :: c++ write number to registry 
Cpp :: Mirror Inverse Program in c++ 
Cpp :: initalising array c++ 
Cpp :: setFontSize QT 
Cpp :: C++ using a member function of a class to pass parameters to a thread 
Cpp :: how to find common divisors of two numbers in cpp 
Cpp :: KL/wweiok#L['.[- 
Cpp :: sort vector in descending order c++ 
Cpp :: Link List Insertion a node 
Cpp :: Check whether K-th bit is set or not c++ 
Cpp :: integrate sinx 
Cpp :: passing array to the function c++ 
Cpp :: can you add a bool and an int 
Cpp :: set the jth bit from 1 to 0 
Cpp :: 
Cpp :: left margin c++ 
Cpp :: escribir texto c++ 
Cpp :: 136. Single Number leetcode solution in c++ 
Cpp :: clean list widget qt 
Cpp :: how to test if char in = to another in c++ 
Cpp :: private static c++ 
Cpp :: how to make a running text in c++ 
Cpp :: +++++++++ 
Source link
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