wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/18.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet6
Code Example |
Cpp :: c vs c++ |
Cpp :: c++ read each char of string |
Cpp :: delete specific row from dynamic 2d array c++ |
Cpp :: c++ template function |
Cpp :: sort a 2d vector c++ stl |
Cpp :: size of pointer array |
Cpp :: time_t to int |
Cpp :: declaring 2d dynamic array c++ |
Cpp :: how to find 2d vector length cpp |
Cpp :: c++ remove text file |
Cpp :: cout hex c++ |
Cpp :: c++ pause linux |
Cpp :: c++ cstring to string |
Cpp :: Accpt array input in single line in cpp |
Cpp :: sort a vector c++ |
Cpp :: c++ double is nan |
Cpp :: c++ program to print natural numbers from 1 to 10 in reverse order using while loop |
Cpp :: c++ min int |
Cpp :: string split by space c++ |
Cpp :: c++ back() |
Cpp :: binary search c++ |
Cpp :: factorial calculator c++ |
Cpp :: descending order c++ |
Cpp :: login system with c++ |
Cpp :: vector c++ |
Cpp :: c++ exceptions |
Cpp :: c++ check if debug or release visual studio |
Cpp :: class operator overloading c++ |
Cpp :: dice combinations cses solution |
Cpp :: toString method in c++ using sstream |