

visual studio cpp compiler

Try "CMake" and "CMake Tools" from the extensions in Visual Code

c++ visual studio


I had the same problem and I have solved this problem using these steps.

First create your C++ folder (mine is cpp test) and create the main.cpp file.

Then after making the main method just click f5 and the vs code will pop up a box asking whether C++(GDB) or C++(Windows). refer the photo

Now click on C++(GDB/LLDB).

Now click on g++.exe (Build and Debug active file).

Now the vs code will generate the lanch.json file.

Then go to the main.cpp file, Just click f5 and it will run without any problem. It worked for me.

(Please make sure that you have installed cygwin64 on your computer, mingw is also possible)

Code Example
Cpp :: exponent power of x using c c++ 
Cpp :: standard template library in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ find index of all occurrences in string 
Cpp :: comparator priority queue c++ 
Cpp :: substring in c++ 
Cpp :: changing values of mat in opencv c++ 
Cpp :: c++ Attribute Parser 
Cpp :: how to empty a std vector 
Cpp :: User defined functions and variables in C++ programming 
Cpp :: fstream read write mode 
Cpp :: C++ linked list iterator 
Cpp :: cpp ignore warning in line 
Cpp :: if argv == string 
Cpp :: C++ if...else...else if 
Cpp :: size of string c++ 
Cpp :: c++ cin 
Cpp :: C++ Quotient and Remainder 
Cpp :: move assignment operator c++ 
Cpp :: C++ program to print all possible substrings of a given string 
Cpp :: c++ if else example 
Cpp :: C++ float and double Using setprecision() For Floating-Point Numbers 
Cpp :: c++ create function pointer 
Cpp :: create vectors of vectors c++ 
Cpp :: find second largest number in array c++ 
Cpp :: binary multiplication 
Cpp :: std::enable_shared_from_this include 
Cpp :: what is a .h file in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ profiling tools 
Cpp :: c++ online 
Cpp :: what is c++ 
Source link
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