


/* [] C# Unity Script [] Error Code 0101 []

By this, Unity is telling you, you are either copying a line of code. This could
be, In the same script of different script. Since in coding, your line of code
transfers between each script.

A way to easily fix this, is to locate where the copied line of code is. You can
locate this by checking the two Numbers next to "CS0101". For example, someones
could say "CS0101 (3,14)". Showcasing that your 3rd Row, 14th Character,
Your line of code was copied.

How can you fix this, you may ask. You can either look through the other scripts
and change the line of code, or deleting it. Or, you can go where the error
message was, and delete this line of code.

If this does not help you whatsoever, I highly reccomend checking out some
Unity Support Tickets, or reports, and see what they did to fix this problem.

Good luck, and hope you have an amazing day. Don't let coding get to your head.
A lot of people get frusterated whenever coding is highly annoying, mostly
whenever somebody is dealing with Error Codes. However if this does get to your
head, you may need to take a break, and do some reserch about any error codes!

[] C# Unity Script [] Error Code 0101 []

(For if you ever see me again, this message was created by Gumbo#0150)

Code Example
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Source link
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