

difference between boxing and unboxing in c#

Boxing: The process of converting a value type instance to an object refrence.
When boxing happens CLR creates an object in the Heap and then creates a
a reference in the stack. So the value stroed in the heap along with an 
object refernce in the stack when boxing.
int a = 10;
object obj = a;
// or 
object obj = 10;

Unboxing: Is the opposition of boxing; Now when we cast an object to an integer
unboxing happens and the result is we get a new variable on the stack called
number with value of 10. 
object obj = 10;
int number = (int) ob;
Both boxing and unboxing have a performance penalty because of that extra 
object creation. And that's someting you should avoid if possible.
It's better to use a generic implemention of that class if it exists.

boxing and unboxing in c#

class BoxingUnboxing
    static void Main()  
        int myVal = 1;  
        object obj = myVal; // Boxing  
        int newVal = (int)obj; // Unboxing  

Code Example
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