

difference between namespace and assembly in c#

The main difference between namespace and assembly is that a namespace 
  is a logical group of related classes that can be used by the languages
  targeted by Microsoft .NET framework, while Assembly is a building block of .NET Framework applications that form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions.

Code Example
Csharp :: c# debug console log 
Csharp :: get the path of executable c# 
Csharp :: get values from range entity framework 
Csharp :: unity array to list 
Csharp :: month number to text in c# 
Csharp :: how to make a button open window in wpf 
Csharp :: c# application hangs while running 
Csharp :: c# exit 
Csharp :: unity rotate around pivot c# 
Csharp :: c# get file extension 
Csharp :: Unity Scene Load by Name 
Csharp :: Join Or Create Room() photon 
Csharp :: get current directory cosmos 
Csharp :: unity vector3.distance giving nonsensical values 
Csharp :: c# conver date utc to cst 
Csharp :: wpf image clip with rounded corners 
Csharp :: c# check if is float 
Csharp :: reference to another script unity 
Csharp :: c# datatable copy selected rows to another table 
Csharp :: bluestacks unity black screen 
Csharp :: C# how to ignore case 
Csharp :: c# get path without filename 
Csharp :: unity get textmesh pro component 
Csharp :: unity unparent 
Csharp :: random unity 
Csharp :: how to run c# code in visual studio code terminal 
Csharp :: how to convert int to char in c# 
Csharp :: beep sound in c# 
Csharp :: take screenshot in c# 
Csharp :: how to add a list to observablecollection in c# 
Source link
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