

how to add rigidbody in unity

Hi, I know you are learning game dev,awesome to add rigidbody you can do one thing you can simply
choose the gameobject on which you want to apply rigidbody component
remember that you have to go the inspector panel and click on plus
at the bottom
and search for rigidbody
and click Enter

Here you go:-- :)

add rigidbody with code unity

//You can add it as component or via script:

GameObject myGameObject = new GameObject("Test Object"); // Make a new GO.
Rigidbody gameObjectsRigidBody = myGameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); // Add the rigidbody.
gameObjectsRigidBody.mass = 5; // Set the GO's mass to 5 via the Rigidbody.

Code Example
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