

how to move mouse in game c#

idk if anyone else here codes cheats for games but when trying to move the mouse
its best to use mouse move event dll import heres some code from my latest script

static extern void mouse_event(int dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, int dwExtraInfo);
public static void RelativeMove(int relx, int rely)
			mouse_event(0x0001, relx, rely, 0, 0);
then to move mouse Relativemove(whereeveruwantx, y);


how to move mouse in c#

private void MoveCursor()
   // Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   // and set its clipping rectangle to the form. 

   this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
   Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - 50, Cursor.Position.Y - 50);
   Cursor.Clip = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);

how to move mouse with c#

private void MoveCursor()
   // Set the Current cursor, move the cursor's Position,
   // and set its clipping rectangle to the form. 

   this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
   Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - 50, Cursor.Position.Y - 50);
   Cursor.Clip = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);

Code Example
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