

unity vscode launch.json

// This code is generated by the vscode extension "Debugger for Unity" 
// [extension linked as source]

// If you have this extension you can either follow its instructions
// or you can copy this code and paste it in .vscode/launch.json

// you still need the extension for this to work
// adter you done this you can try and run the debugger 
// by pressing "F5" (default hotkey to debug)

// Don't forget to replace [PROJECT_DIRECTORY_PATH] to your path
    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, 
    // visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Unity Editor",
            "type": "unity",
            "path": "[PROJECT_DIRECTORY_PATH]/Library/EditorInstance.json",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "Windows Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "OSX Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "Linux Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "iOS Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "Android Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "Xbox One Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "PS4 Player",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"
            "name": "SwitchPlayer",
            "type": "unity",
            "request": "launch"

Code Example
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Csharp :: unity read from text file 
Csharp :: how to join array indexes with comma in c# 
Csharp :: c# get random double in range 
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Csharp :: c# keep console open 
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Csharp :: wpf scrollviewer mouse wheel 
Csharp :: regular expression for website url validation in c# 
Csharp :: get waht is differnt between two arrays c# 
Csharp :: how to convert from hexadecimal to binary in c# 
Csharp :: audio source pause unity 
Csharp :: c# list sort by property string 
Csharp :: c# relative path to project folder 
Csharp :: unity random range 
Csharp :: color picker wpf 
Csharp :: unity position localposition 
Csharp :: how to change color of a sprite in unity 
Csharp :: how to get the width of the screen C# 
Csharp :: c# base64 encode 
Csharp :: jump in unity 
Csharp :: c# regex get matched string 
Csharp :: bytes to httppostedfilebase c# 
Csharp :: get layermask from gameobject layer unity 
Csharp :: dotnet build command 
Source link
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