

unity3d spin wheel

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic; public class SpinWheel : MonoBehaviour{    public List<int> prize;    public List<AnimationCurve> animationCurves;        private bool spinning;        private float anglePerItem;        private int randomTime;    private int itemNumber;        void Start(){        spinning = false;        anglePerItem = 360/prize.Count;            }        void  Update ()    {        if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space) && !spinning) {                    randomTime = Random.Range (1, 4);            itemNumber = Random.Range (0, prize.Count);            float maxAngle = 360 * randomTime + (itemNumber * anglePerItem);                        StartCoroutine (SpinTheWheel (5 * randomTime, maxAngle));        }    }        IEnumerator SpinTheWheel (float time, float maxAngle)    {        spinning = true;                float timer = 0.0f;                float startAngle = transform.eulerAngles.z;                maxAngle = maxAngle - startAngle;                int animationCurveNumber = Random.Range (0, animationCurves.Count);        Debug.Log ("Animation Curve No. : " + animationCurveNumber);                while (timer < time) {        //to calculate rotation            float angle = maxAngle * animationCurves [animationCurveNumber].Evaluate (timer / time) ;            transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, angle + startAngle);            timer += Time.deltaTime;            yield return 0;        }                transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, maxAngle + startAngle);        spinning = false;                    Debug.Log ("Prize: " + prize [itemNumber]);//use prize[itemNumnber] as per requirement    }    }

Code Example
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