

varibles c#

// A varible can either be public or private, public lets you use the varible in a different script
// Private make you only use the varible in the same script

public int Example = 5;  // These are for full numbers such as 2 or 7
private int Example = 5;

public bool Example = 5; // These are for Boolean values
private bool Example = 5;

public float Example = 5.3f; // These are for floating numbers such as 20.0f
private float Example = 5.3f;

C# varible

public varible nameofvarible;//In Unity to esablish varible new slot should appear in the script componit and drag what element you want

c# (sharp) varibles

//this is public or pivate + showing what a int is
public int a_int = 1;
private int another_int = 32;

bool a_bool = true //you can do true or false

//difference between float and double
float a_float = f3;
double a_double = 3.84

a_int = 3 //changing the varibles
//making a empty int. then changing it  
int another_int_2;
another_int_2 = 27;

Code Example
Csharp :: import time C# 
Csharp :: .net mvc c# alert to client browswer window 
Csharp :: how to close and reopen an app in c# 
Csharp :: how to start cmd in c# 
Csharp :: c# bcrypt 
Csharp :: c# initialize empty list 
Csharp :: initialize ConsoleLoggerProvider in EF core 
Csharp :: c# compile into an exe 
Csharp :: c# afficher texte 
Csharp :: 2d game art 
Csharp :: unity hide mesh 
Csharp :: Unity c#loading a scene after a few seconds 
Csharp :: How do i destroy a prefab without the error? 
Csharp :: unity getcomponent not working on ui 
Csharp :: c# wpf change label text color 
Csharp :: how to get parent gameobject in unity 
Csharp :: c# map 
Csharp :: c# string to variable name 
Csharp :: clear controls from panel c# 
Csharp :: Unity Rigidbody how to set zero momentum 
Csharp :: unity get child gameobject 
Csharp :: how to add a queue unity 
Csharp :: escape double quotes c# 
Csharp :: c# read authorization header 
Csharp :: c# array to string 
Csharp :: c# move files from one folder to another 
Csharp :: unity stop animation from playing at start 
Csharp :: how add text to element in javascript 
Csharp :: c# access session in class 
Csharp :: unity action example 
Source link
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