

what is caching

What is the caching mechanism?
Caching is just the practice of storing data in
temporarily and retrieving data from a
high-performance store (usually memory) 
either explicitly or implicitly. @CacheLookup
is used with @FindBy annotation and keeps 
that web element in memory and makes it ready
to use everytime. You can use that approach 
if you use any web elemnent frequently.


.quform-theme-react .quform-label>label>.quform-required

What is caching?

Caching is just the practice of storing data in
temporarily and retrieving data from a
high-performance store (usually memory) 
either explicitly or implicitly. @CacheLookup
is used with @FindBy annotation and keeps 
that web element in memory and makes it ready
to use everytime. You can use that approach 
if you use any web elemnent frequently.

Code Example
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Source link
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