

make table resopnsive for mobile

	Max width before this PARTICULAR table gets nasty. This query will take effect for any screen smaller than 760px and also iPads specifically.
	  only screen 
    and (max-width: 760px), (min-device-width: 768px) 
    and (max-device-width: 1024px)  {

		/* Force table to not be like tables anymore */
		table, thead, tbody, th, td, tr {
			display: block;

		/* Hide table headers (but not display: none;, for accessibility) */
		thead tr {
			position: absolute;
			top: -9999px;
			left: -9999px;

    tr {
      margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
    tr:nth-child(odd) {
      background: #ccc;
		td {
			/* Behave  like a "row" */
			border: none;
			border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
			position: relative;
			padding-left: 50%;

		td:before {
			/* Now like a table header */
			position: absolute;
			/* Top/left values mimic padding */
			top: 0;
			left: 6px;
			width: 45%;
			padding-right: 10px;
			white-space: nowrap;

Code Example
Css :: css animation shorthand 
Css :: css example 
Css :: change bg color on hover 
Css :: blue gradient background 
Css :: check ssh port 
Css :: Input with File type css override 
Css :: letter spacing in css 
Css :: centering using flexbox 
Css :: css if element is empty 
Css :: vuetify width of textfield 
Css :: mapping and each in sass 
Css :: hex codes of bootstrap colours 
Css :: how to create wave like border 
Css :: url css 
Css :: ubuntu uninstall unity hub 
Css :: flex wrap tailwind 
Css :: overflow-y scroll css 
Css :: ckeditor push text in front of cursor 
Css :: double color background css 
Css :: scale down image css 
Css :: css battle tesseract 
Css :: material css 
Css :: centrizing a table with css 
Css :: text slide animation css 
Css :: text overflow css 
Css :: css text background 
Css :: center a block element 
Css :: what is css 
Css :: nth child 
Css :: media quries 
Source link
4+8 =