

flutter const advantag

When we use setState() Flutter calls the build method and rebuilds every widget tree inside it. The best way to avoid this is by using const costructors.

Use const constructors whenever possible when building your own widgets or using Flutter widgets. This helps Flutter to rebuild only widgets that should be updated.


Code Example
Dart :: teledart flutter 
Dart :: const issue on new flutter version 
Dart :: using email signin or phone number in flutter firebase 
Dart :: package:grpc/grpc.dart import target uri doesnt exist 
Dart :: inkwell not splashing in stack 
Dart :: flutter firebase_messaging 9 ios 
Dart :: flutter listview top padding 
Swift :: swift uiview add tap gesture 
Swift :: swift ui for loop high to low 
Swift :: navigationview hide header swiftui 
Swift :: play sound in swift 5 
Swift :: Unique device id ios swift 
Swift :: presentviewcontroller must be set swift google login 
Swift :: this love taylor swift 
Swift :: change selection color uitableviewcell swift 
Swift :: swiftui pintch to zoom 
Swift :: how to get rid of excess space in swift 
Swift :: Decimal to Double conversion in Swift 
Swift :: swift date plus1 day 
Swift :: index string swift 
Swift :: swift sleep milliseconds 
Swift :: difference between struct and class swift 
Swift :: swift map array to dictionary 
Swift :: change placeholder color swift 
Swift :: uitextview set placeholder text swift 5 
Swift :: how can i find range of a string in another string swift 
Swift :: how to show notification icon on tabbar item swift 
Swift :: Swift if..else if 
Swift :: swift initialize array with size 
Swift :: swift 5 touchupinsideview 
Source link
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