

laravel phpcs.xml

composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin"

//To check

//To fix

<!-- phpcs.xml file -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Laravel Standards">

        The name attribute of the ruleset tag is displayed
        when running PHP_CodeSniffer with the -v command line
        argument. The description tag below is not displayed anywhere
        except in this file, so it can contain information for
        developers who may change this file in the future.
    <description>The Laravel Coding Standards</description>

    If no files or directories are specified on the command line
    your custom standard can specify what files should be checked

    Note that specifying any file or directory path
    on the command line will ignore all file tags.

        You can hard-code ignore patterns directly into your
        custom standard so you don't have to specify the
        patterns on the command line.


        You can hard-code command line values into your custom standard.
        Note that this does not work for the command line values:
        -v[v][v], -l, -d, -sniffs and -standard

        The following tags are equivalent to the command line arguments:

        Print either the "full", "xml", "checkstyle", "csv"
        "json", "junit", "emacs", "source", "summary", "diff"
        "svnblame", "gitblame", "hgblame" or "notifysend" report,
        or specify the path to a custom report class
        (the "full" report is printed by default)
    <!-- <arg name="report" value="summary" /> -->
    <!-- <arg name="report" value="gitblame" /> -->
    <arg name="report" value="diff" />
    <arg name="colors" />
    <!-- <arg name="severity"/> -->
    <arg value="p" />

        You can hard-code custom php.ini settings into your custom standard.
        The following tag sets the memory limit to 64M.
    <ini name="memory_limit" value="128M" />

        Include all sniffs in the PEAR standard. Note that the
        path to the standard does not have to be specified as the
        PEAR standard exists inside the PHP_CodeSniffer install
    <rule ref="PSR2">
        <exclude name="PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName" />
        <exclude name="PSR1.Files.SideEffects" />

    <rule ref="Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant" />
    <rule ref="Generic.Files.LineEndings" />
    <rule ref="Squiz.PHP.GlobalKeyword" />
    <rule ref="PSR2.Files.EndFileNewline" />
    <rule ref="Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowTabIndent" />


laravel phpcs.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Laravel Standards">

       The name attribute of the ruleset tag is displayed
       when running PHP_CodeSniffer with the -v command line
       argument. The description tag below is not displayed anywhere
       except in this file, so it can contain information for
       developers who may change this file in the future.
    <description>The Laravel Coding Standards</description>

    If no files or directories are specified on the command line
    your custom standard can specify what files should be checked

    Note that specifying any file or directory path
    on the command line will ignore all file tags.

       You can hard-code ignore patterns directly into your
       custom standard so you don't have to specify the
       patterns on the command line.


       You can hard-code command line values into your custom standard.
       Note that this does not work for the command line values:
       -v[v][v], -l, -d, -sniffs and -standard

       The following tags are equivalent to the command line arguments:
    <arg name="report" value="summary"/>
    <arg name="colors"/>
    <arg value="p"/>

       You can hard-code custom php.ini settings into your custom standard.
       The following tag sets the memory limit to 64M.
    <ini name="memory_limit" value="128M"/>

       Include all sniffs in the PEAR standard. Note that the
       path to the standard does not have to be specified as the
       PEAR standard exists inside the PHP_CodeSniffer install
    <rule ref="PSR2">
        <exclude name="PSR1.Methods.CamelCapsMethodName"/>
        <exclude name="PSR1.Files.SideEffects"/>


Code Example
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Source link
9+6 =