

ubuntu 19.04 vmware

How to install Ubuntu 19.04 in VMware Workstation

Step 01: Create a New Virtual Machine
Step 02: Select Hardware Compatibility
Step 03: Use or select Ubuntu 19.04 Image to install
Step 04: Configure Virtual Machine Name and file Location
Step 05: Configure Virtual processor for new virtual machine
Step 06: Setup Virtual RAM memory for new virtual machine
Step 07: Setup Virtual Machine Network 
Step 08: Configure Virtual storage disk for new virtual machine
Step 09: Now power on of the virtual machine after finish the VMware setup
Step 10: Get the Ubuntu setup screen on display

follow the given instruction on screen and it will install in 10 min.

ubuntu 16.10 vmware

How to install Ubuntu 16.04 in VMware Workstation

Step 01: Create a New Virtual Machine
Step 02: Select Hardware Compatibility
Step 03: Use or select Ubuntu 16.04 Image to install
Step 04: Configure Virtual Machine Name and file Location
Step 05: Configure Virtual processor for new virtual machine
Step 06: Setup Virtual RAM memory for new virtual machine
Step 07: Setup Virtual Machine Network 
Step 08: Configure Virtual storage disk for new virtual machine
Step 09: Now power on of the virtual machine after finish the VMware setup
Step 10: Get the Ubuntu setup screen on display

follow the given instruction on screen and it will install in 10 min.

ubuntu 19.10 vmware

How to install Ubuntu 19.10 in VMware Workstation

Step 01: Create a New Virtual Machine
Step 02: Select Hardware Compatibility
Step 03: Use or select Ubuntu 19.10 Image to install
Step 04: Configure Virtual Machine Name and file Location
Step 05: Configure Virtual processor for new virtual machine
Step 06: Setup Virtual RAM memory for new virtual machine
Step 07: Setup Virtual Machine Network 
Step 08: Configure Virtual storage disk for new virtual machine
Step 09: Now power on of the virtual machine after finish the VMware setup
Step 10: Get the Ubuntu setup screen on display

follow the given instruction on screen and it will install in 10 min.

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