

java type casting

// You can typecast to convert a variable of one data type to another.
// Wide Casting converts small data types to larger ones.
// Narrow Casting converts large data types to smaller ones.
// Java can automatically Wide Cast.
// Java will throw an error when trying to automatically Narrow Cast.
// This is because data is often lost when Narrow Casting.
// Narrow Casting must be done manually.

//Wide Cast:
int SomeNumber = 5;
double WideCastedNumber = (double)SomeNumber;

//Narrow Cast:
double SomeNumber = 5.39;
int NarrowCastedNumber = (int)SomeNumber;
//Note: The data that holds the decimal places will be lost!

cast java

JAVA: Example of cast:

int SomeNumber = 5; //int 
double WideCastedNumber = (double)SomeNumber; //from int to double

double myDouble = 9.78;
int myInt = (int) myDouble; // from double to int

Java Type Casting

Narrowing Casting (manually) - larger type to a smaller size type
double -> float -> long -> int -> char -> short -> byte 

Java Type Casting

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int myInt = 9;
    double myDouble = myInt; // Automatic casting: int to double

    System.out.println(myInt);      // Outputs 9
    System.out.println(myDouble);   // Outputs 9.0

+= operator casting in java

    int x = 0;
    x += 1.1;    // just fine; hidden cast, x == 1 after assignment
    x = x + 1.1; // won't compile! 'cannot convert from double to int'

java casting method

Animal animal = new Dog ();
animal.fetch(); // Compiler error
(Dog) animal.fetch();

java type casting

Lowest to highest primitive data types: Byte-->Short-->Int-->Long-->Float-->Double

casting in java


Code Example
Java :: connecting to h2 database from java 
Java :: synchronized block in java 
Java :: java final class 
Java :: java to c++ converter 
Java :: finding min and max from given number in java 
Java :: lombok 
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Java :: a ^ b java 
Java :: android studio random number between 1 and 10 
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Java :: sololearn bowling game 
Java :: button height is not increase in android studio 
Java :: create a folder for multiple numbers in java 
Java :: declare variable java 
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Sql :: postgresql update sequence next value 
Sql :: get role postgres 
Sql :: uninstall postgresql mac 
Sql :: could not find driver (SQL: PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;) 
Sql :: wilayah indonesia database 
Sql :: mysql unix timestamp to date 
Sql :: mysql date minus 1 day 
Sql :: mysql update part of string 
Sql :: mysql show indexes on table 
Sql :: how remove column in mysql 
Sql :: crontab every month 
Sql :: create schema sql server 
Sql :: InnoDB: page_cleaner: 1000ms intended loop took 7742ms. The settings might not be optimal 
Sql :: tsql create unique index composite 
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