

hashmap key check

// Java code to illustrate the containsKey() method
import java.util.*;
public class Hash_Map_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an empty HashMap
        HashMap<Integer, String> hash_map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
        // Mapping string values to int keys
        hash_map.put(10, "Geeks");
        hash_map.put(15, "4");
        hash_map.put(20, "Geeks");
        hash_map.put(25, "Welcomes");
        hash_map.put(30, "You");
        // Displaying the HashMap
        System.out.println("Initial Mappings are: " + hash_map);
        // Checking for the key_element '20'
        System.out.println("Is the key '20' present? " + 
        // Checking for the key_element '5'
        System.out.println("Is the key '5' present? " + 

Code Example
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Source link
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