

java public static void main

public static void main(String[] args){

why main method is public static void in java

public : “public” is an access specifier which can be used outside the class. 
When main method is declared
public it means it can be used outside class.
static : To call a method we require object. Sometimes it may be 
required to call a method without the help of object. Then we declare that 
method as static. JVM calls the main() method without creating
object by declaring keyword static.
If we make the main method non-static, 
JVM will have to create its object first and then call main() method which 
will lead to the extra memory allocation.
void : void return type is used when a method does’nt return any value. 
main() method doesn’t return any value, so main() is declared as void.

public static void in java

PUBLIC- is access modifier. visible to the world.
Public means that the method is visible and can
be called from other objects of other types.
STATIC- is specifier, any feature that has static
, belongs to the class.This means that you can
call a static method without creating an
object of the class. 
VOID- is a return type, the method does not
return any value. void means that 
the method has no return value.

public static void main vs static public void main

If you write static public void main instead of public static void main,
then it will make no difference. Program compiles properly and runs. 
But if you change the sequence of main, 
then it will you give a compiler error.

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