

javafx textarea font size

textArea.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 20");

javafx textarea how to make smaller

import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;

TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); //making a TextArea object

textArea.setPrefHeight(400);  //sets height of the TextArea to 400 pixels 
textArea.setPrefWidth(300);    //sets width of the TextArea to 300 pixels

javafx textarea size

TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); //making a TexrArea object
double height = 400; //making a variable called height with a value 400
double width = 300;  //making a variable called height with a value 300

//You can use these methods
textArea.setPrefHeight(height);  //sets height of the TextArea to 400 pixels 
textArea.setPrefWidth(width);    //sets width of the TextArea to 300 pixels

javafx textarea size

TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); //making a TexrArea object
double height = 400; //making a variable called height with a value 400
double width = 300;  //making a variable called height with a value 300

//You can use these methods
textArea.setPrefHeight(height);  //sets height of the TextArea to 400 pixels 
textArea.setPrefWidth(width);    //sets width of the TextArea to 300 pixels


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