

laravel Please update to at least Node v12.14

You have to upgrade your node so try these commands:

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
check node version by:

sudo node -v
it must show something like v14.*

You may need to restart your terminal to see the updated node version.

And then do npm run dev

Code Example
Java :: scanner class in java 
Java :: sorting boolean array with prime index 
Java :: java unshift 
Java :: hasAuthority method not working with thymeleaf 
Java :: Log exception details to string 
Java :: jav convert array as list to array 
Java :: Java Creating LinkedHashMap from Other Maps 
Java :: Java labeled break Statement 
Java :: ezra margolin 
Java :: binary search 2D java 
Java :: witch dependency is needed for "ArraysUtils" for the Import? 
Java :: how to add element in java arraylit syntax in gfg 
Java :: @android:color/system_neutral1_1000 
Java :: java Prefix Sum of Matrix (Or 2D Array) 
Java :: Java Multi-catch block 
Java :: trémaux’ method java 
Java :: Java’s generic programming does not apply to the primitive types. True or False? 
Java :: java code file 
Java :: change FS to hdfs java 
Java :: what happens if you return only -1 and 1bute not 0 java 
Java :: java accept user input 
Java :: java get parent process name 
Java :: Java TreeMap Example remove() 
Java :: Rotate Vector by an angle 
Java :: java polymorphism nedir 
Java :: java.lang.stringindexoutofboundsexception: string index out of range: 10 
Java :: final method java 
Java :: how to sprint minecraft java 
Java :: biginteger modulo in java 
Java :: quit button java swing 
Source link
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